Mailing list
Our mailing list is free, public, and easily searchable. It’s the preferred method of user support from the QF/n team.
Sign up here or send an email to: quickfixn-subscribe@lists.quickfixn.com
to subscribe.
Please subscribe before you send a mail to the list, else your request for help will not be sent out.
We advise that you do not use digest mode. The list is not high traffic, so you shouldn’t really need it. More importantly, digest mode makes email chains hard to follow.

There are several developers that monitor QuickFIX/n questions on StackOverflow.
Just post your question and tag it “quickfixn”!

GitHub: Bugs and issues
Bugs and issues can be submitted by anyone through our GitHub repository issues list.
Do not submit questions or help requests to the GitHub issues list.
The GitHub issues list is for engine bugs & features. All help requests will be closed without helping you and you will be advised to use the options above instead.
With that said, if you have found a potential bug or missing feature, here is our github repository issues list.
Please provide sample code, logs, and a description of the problem when the issue is submitted.
We will try to address new issues as quickly as possible, and we invite any interested developers to try their hand at fixing bugs and adding improvements by forking the repo and submitting pull requests.
Do not submit questions or help requests to the GitHub issues list.

Commercial Support
Connamara offers commercial support for developers who are integrating any of the QuickFIX implementations (C++, Java, .NET). The support is offered in 10-hour bundles and grants developers access, via telephone or email, to the team that created QuickFIX/n and are maintainers of QuickFIX.